Select sermons from various series and Bible studies:
Jesus, the True Vine (Part 1 of 2)
Jesus, the True Vine (Part 2 of 2)
Healed by Jesus, Touched by God
Amillennialism (Eschatology)
Money & Ministry: Should Pastors be Paid a Salary?
Revelation 8:1-5: The Prayers of the Saints
Revelation 20 (Part 1 of 4) A Present Reality & Eternal Promise
Revelation 20 (Part 2 of 4) A Present Reality & Eternal Promise
Revelation 20 (Part 3 of 4) A Present Reality & Eternal Promise
Revelation 20 (Part 4 of 4) A Present Reality & Eternal Promise
Can A Christian Lose His Salvation?
Freemasonry Revealed & Rebuked
THE ACTS of the Apostles (Chapter 1)
The Holy Spirit: Our Greatest Need
Is the Roman Catholic Church "Christian?"
Racism & Social Justice: It's ENMITY that's the problem, not Ethnicity
The Great Gulf between Catholicism & Christianity
The Sermon on the Mount Series: Introduction
The Sermon on the Mount Series: Part 2 | General View & Judgment
The Sermon on the Mount Series: Part 3 | The Beatitudes
Harsh Words for Thin Skins: Matthew 23:13-26
Ezekiel: Temple Sacrifices & Dispensationalism's Absurdity
Abraham's Inheritance . . . and Ours
Cultural Marxism: How can a bible-believing Christian vote for a Democrat, much less, be one?
Slavery, Reparations & the Bible
Woe Unto Georgia . . . & America
The Marks of BIBLICAL Revival
The Dead in Christ Shall Rise First
Wokeness & The Gospel
The Golden Calf of the ELCA